Sunday, March 10, 2013

Into the Wild

Just finished reading the book Into the Wild. So I went into the wild as well, took some sweet pics and lived to tell the tale. There are some cool pics of clouds, and a little tribute to the hobbit with the Misty Mountains. Then when going into the wild like a true transcendentalist I visited Walden pond. So there are a couple of photos from there. being one with nature is pretty cool as long as you bring some food and a map.

Looks like the clouds are eating the sun here. Fascinating!

I think this is the same one as before. Fascinating!

Some really cool clouds with some nice HDR effects. 

some more really cool clouds

is there a theme here?

This is the last of the really cool cloud photos. I think I see a turtle right near the sunspot, what could that mean?

I just wanted to see if I could get a cool sunburst through the trees, I tried really hard but dont know if it worked out that well. 

"Bilbo, Bilbo, Bilbo Baggins, the greatest little hobbit of all" 

Just a real hot pic


Walden Pond, 

And the journey continues on. 

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