Sunday, March 10, 2013

Into the Wild

Just finished reading the book Into the Wild. So I went into the wild as well, took some sweet pics and lived to tell the tale. There are some cool pics of clouds, and a little tribute to the hobbit with the Misty Mountains. Then when going into the wild like a true transcendentalist I visited Walden pond. So there are a couple of photos from there. being one with nature is pretty cool as long as you bring some food and a map.

Looks like the clouds are eating the sun here. Fascinating!

I think this is the same one as before. Fascinating!

Some really cool clouds with some nice HDR effects. 

some more really cool clouds

is there a theme here?

This is the last of the really cool cloud photos. I think I see a turtle right near the sunspot, what could that mean?

I just wanted to see if I could get a cool sunburst through the trees, I tried really hard but dont know if it worked out that well. 

"Bilbo, Bilbo, Bilbo Baggins, the greatest little hobbit of all" 

Just a real hot pic


Walden Pond, 

And the journey continues on. 

Windy Pics

So it has been awhile but I do have some new pics. Work has been crazy but I have been able to take some new ones. Hope you like them. Here are some random pictures of the Chicago skyline. I love this city, really cool place to live with a lots of cool architecture. Also threw in some random pics from around the city which might not be exactly skylines. Let me know what you think!

                           This is from the Observatory in Downtown Chicago, with a little HDR action. Have this hung up by my bathroom. Feel free to hang this up by your bathroom too.

More HDR action from the Observatory

Had a little fun playing with the sunset. 

This is actually under the El stop that I take to work. I had this printed on a canvas for my apt. Like this one. 

More from under the El, had to fight a hobo to take this pic. 

This is under the Metra near my old apartment. Thought it looked kind of cool. Iron jungle perhaps? It is my statement about the industrial revolution or something. 

More from the same place, had to be black and white to be more artsy. I am thinking of investing in some bigger glasses and an oversized beanie to wear while I am taking these pics. 

Thought it was a cool v-shape repeated in the bridge on North Ave and Elston

I liked the perspective of the bride and the Leo Burnett building, I am sure there are plenty of glasses and beanies for me to borrow in there. 

Color version. Thought it was interesting how the Leo building seems to disappear into the sky a little bit. 

Cool bridge downtown and the light reflecting in the water, this was actually the first night i got my camera and since i was sans beanie everyone thought i was a tourist. 

black and white version. 

Got crazy and turned the camera to landscape mode

Pic from Charlotte's apt in lincoln park. One of the best views in the city, don't know if I captured it that well...

From the observatory again, should this have gone at the beginning to go with the others? Maybe but...

View from North Ave bridge

Cool art piece near the clark and lake spot, cool contrast with the building in the background. But I dont need to explain myself I am an artist!

"And I'm proud to be an American..."

Wayne Tower anyone??